Unity Intercom
How to install Unity Intercom
Step 1: Download Unity
Download the Unity Intercom app from the iphone or android app store
Step 2: Login to Wifi Network
Login to Link-00138 5G
Password is: link05000138
Step 3: Open Unity
Open Unity and select “Direct Connection”
Next, Select “Settings”
Step 4: Enter Network Details
Enter for the Unity Server
Enter for the Router IP Address
Leave the Ports Blank.
Step 5: Login
Enter the position title given to you by the director/TD.
The password will always be “123456”
Step 6: Start Talking
After logging in, you should be met with this screen. You will see the channels you can talk on in green and the channels you can listen to in blue. You may or may not have permissions enabled to select and deselect channels on your own.
Holding enables your mic while held down.
Double pressing locks your mic on.
Mic Adjustment
When you select “levels” on the home screen, and then select “other” at the top right, you are met with this screen where you are able to adjust your mic gain level manually.